Thursday, June 05, 2008


One day I will fall from the world and I will nerver return.
The encounter will be denominated, classified and denoted under a
sock of mid-morning.
I will try not to take out my T-shirt so that this way I wont take cold, but I will let myself guide by
my feelings, or should I say instinct?
I dont believe that it would rain tomorrow, but I rather shut up.
It always rain if one wants it, beacause what it really cares isnt the passivity of the drops, is the way they cross, or should I say the fluidity?

You are a firefly, or should I say libélula? that flies and flies, and between
dreams and fears and memories I see you and I feel you more than
ever, hidden under a tremendous sky.



: en 1938 estaban caminando por la campiña danesa hablando de física. Llegaron al castillo Elsinore;

El científico Alemán:
-"¡Oh, este castillo no es nada especia!"
El científico Danés:
"Sí, pero es el castillo de Hamlet"
"Entonces es especial"
Elsinore es real, Hamlet el imaginario << Plano y Contraplano >>

Imaginario: Certeza
Realidad: Incertidumbre

Película: Nuestra Música.
Radio Saque te lo cuenta.